Susan K. Moore
Artist, Silk Painter and Author

ENCHANTED CASTLE - Available now to order from Amazon Books. £7.95
All profits to be donated to BBC Children in Need charity

Susan is sharing her news in the hope that others may recognise one of the early signs of ovarian cancer. In November 2024 she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer but this could have been discovered earlier.
Thinking she had a bladder/urine infection, she saw a nurse at her doctor's surgery to have it tested. It was negative. For more than a year, she continued to have symptoms of a bladder infection, tried cranberry juice, flushing through etc. Nothing worked. Thought it was just 'old age' and a weak bladder. // When her stomach felt a bit bloated, like having a large Sunday dinner, she decided to do a tummy massage and immediately felt the lumps/tumour.
There are always 'ifs' and 'buts'. But, if the nurse had suggested she return to the doctors and be checked, or if it was generally made aware that massaging your tummy on a regular basis might help you to detect early tumours, it may have been diagnosed at stage 1 or 2. Please share.
(Tummy massage - start at the belly button and work round and round to your hips and back again).
Below: 2nd edition of : ENCHANTED CASTLE.
Awarded 'BEST CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR' award, and was read in schools and loved by both children and adults. Suitable for ages 8 - 80+.
Order from Amazon Books. £7.95. All profits will be donated to BBC Children in Need charity.

ENCHANTED CASTLE from Amazon Books @ £7.95.
Mystical, medieval thriller.Christopher makes a wish in Fillongley Castle ruins. He is captured and taken to Kenilworth Castle with an army of soldiers and set to work. 1266 is a horrible time, with civil war against King Henry III, fighting and famine. His sister, Andrea, has to find a way to rescue him, with the help of Grumple (who says he is a wizard) and the Witch of Crackley Woods. Paperback, 176 pages. Illustrated (with drawings you can colour in). Enchanted Castle succeeds brilliantly in weaving fact with fantasy, making history come to life.
Page formats designed with dyslexia in mind

Commissions welcome.
Portraits of musicians, people, birds, dogs, cats, horses etc. Landscapes, houses, boats and cars. Payment by Credit/Debit Card accepted.
Below: ''Old' British Bull Dog - Original - Watercolour £125 Framed size approx 16" x 20"

John, previous Lord Mayor of Coventry
Susan Moore
Award winning Artist and Author
Unusual History Books, based on real people and events.
Her recent trilogy received outstanding book reviews.
The complete trilogy is available @ £24 to include UK p&p. Pay by credit/debit card. More information on
An extraordinary biographical novel.
The story of Reg and Dorothy Calvert, from living in an old bus to
bringing Rock 'n' Roll to England. *Brilliant Book Reviews*
2nd edition. Enlarged and Revised £7.50 + £2.50 p&p. 224 pages. 50+ photographs

'LIFE AND DEATH OF A PIRATE' £16.50 to include p&p
Hardback special edition includes Books 2 & 3 of Trilogy
Book orders: Payment Methods
Paypal make payment by email to : (and also email your name and address you would like your book posting to. You can also request a signed copy. The complete trilogy to include Book One 'Popcorn to Rock 'n' Roll' is £24. to include UK p&p
*Books can also be ordered from Amazon Books and Independent Bookshops
Kindle eBooks
1. Popcorn to Rock 'n' Roll (2nd edition) with photographs
2. Clifton Hall - School of Rock (with photographs)
3. Shivering Sands - 1960s Pirate Radio (with photographs)
Susan likes to work from 'real' life and where possible, paints people, landscape and objects in front of her.
Her books are fascinating and quite different to works by other writers. Not only are they beautifully designed and include either photographs or drawings, but are taken from 'real' life.
Awards for 'The Best Children's Book' and the 'Best Non Fiction Book' of the year.
Books can be ordered from Amazon or direct from Susan (less than Amazon prices)
More information

Other 'bird' paintings include: Owl painted on silk - framed £85. Ducks in Conversation painted on silk, framed £250. Mandarin duck reflections on silk, framed £195. Blank Greeting Cards available £2.25 each.

Portraits of pets with their 'miniature' owner.
Cost approx £250 to paint you a picture approx 30cm x 40cm to include over-mount and frame.
You can 'ride' your own cat or dog, or stand alongside them (in miniature). Every painting quite unique and a bit of 'fun'. Email: susan. k. moore @

Below: David Bowey is just one of a series of Silk Paintings of famous musicians. If you would like to commission Susan to paint your favourite 'star' on silk, please email: susan.k.moore @
Cost between £125. - £500+ depending on time it takes to undertake. No charge if not delighted.

Blank A6 Greeting Cards available £2.50 each

ABOVE: 'HARE' Watercolour. A6 Blank Greeting Cards available £2.50 each

Clifton Hall and Shivering Sands Book Cover designs from original silk paintings by Susan Moore. Available from Amazon as eBooks or combined in special edition hardback: Life and Death of a Pirate. For more details about books visit:
More details and photographs relating to the books and reunions:

Below: Racing the Waves, Oil Painting on Canvas £425. (Giclee canvas print available £125.)

Below: Sheep with Sticky Willy. Watercolour. (sold)

Below: Ducks in Conversations. Painted on Silk. £250.

BELOW: A ROLLING STONE - Keith Richards - painted on silk.

GREETING CARDS: Many paintings on this website are available as blank-cards. Size approx A6: 14cm x 20cm. The cards are cream, triple fold, with the print mounted inside a window aperture, and signed. £2.50 each. Includes postage on orders of 5+ cards.
If you are commissioning your own special painting you can have limited edition prints and cards made from your painting.

Left: Open Studio visitors having a 'go' at silk painting.
SUSAN MOORE: "I retired from running my own business and now spend my time writing and painting. I most enjoy painting portraits of people, musicians and animals. My style and technique have developed over years of training and experience. I have illustrated several books, the footpath 'walk' leaflets for North Warwickshire Council, won Art and Literary awards, and exhibited widely in Coventry, Warwickshire, and at the Mall Gallery in London. One of my aims is to encourage 'new' artists and promote 'art' in Coventry and Warwickshire. I am Chairman of CASE (Coventry Art Societies Exhibition), and CWSA (Coventry & Warwickshire Society of Artists)."
ORDER YOU BOOKS DIRECT FROM THE AUTHOR for signed copy and free UK postage.
Payment by PAY PAL to email: susan.k.moore @ Don't forget to supply name and address to post the book to, and who to sign it to.
More information visit:
S.K. Moore Book information
Amazon Kindle eBook. Paperback: sold out. Revised edition should be published end Feb 2020, available from Amazon Books. Sometimes real life can be stranger than fiction. A love story with many twists and turns. 1946 - 1960 Postwar England. Reg and Dorothy Calvert with no home and little money, bought an old bus and converted it into a caravan and Reg tried many ways to earn a living, including making popcorn. When Reg first heard Bill Haley's 'Rock Around the Clock' he gave up his steady job and set out to bring Rock 'n' Roll to England.
Amazon Kindle eBook. Also included in Special edition hardback: 'Life and Death of a Pirate' £16.50.
1961-1964. Reg and Dorothy move to Clifton Hall near Rugby and with them come an entourage of young musicians and singers. The press ask to visit and write (variously) about the 'School of Rock'. Many famous people visit the house including the Beatles. Sex, drugs, love, heartbreak and laughter - but not in the way you would imagine.
Amazon Kindle eBook. Also included in Special edition hardback: 'Life and Death of a Pirate' £16.50
A tragic love story that tells of the extraordinary events of 1966, conspiracy, intrigue and murder. When Radio Caroline began broadcasting 1964 in a ship three miles out at sea, Reg had a new dream. To own a pirate radio station. With Screaming Lord Sutch, he started Radio Sutch on abandoned wartime forts in the Thames Estuary. After a summer of fun, Reg changed the name to Radio City. A rival wanted the station and took it with force. Two days later, he shot Reg. Dorothy is determined to continue and her life is threatened.